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Support and Give Back 

I believe the music is the art of the dialogue between composers, performers and audience! There are always memorable moments with the time and space in the performance, so for me it’s always great to have opportunities to share the art by playing concerts.

There are many possibilities and many types to share the music and organize events with me. It can be warmly house concerts, luxury salons, cultural exhibitions, even in great concert hall with great music.

AND! It’s not only an enjoyment in the concert hall , but also a contribution to the world. I would also love to invite you to donate the profits of the concerts to charities!



Music heals, music comforts, music brings joy

Yehudi Menuhin

Fortunately, I got support from many sponsors for my musical education. I was also inspired a lot by „ Live Music Now- Yehudi Menuhin Foundation” in Munich, which was also a big help during my studies. They organize concerts in hospitals, nursing homes and churches for students, who also get scholarships from the foundation to support their basic needs in life. For me it was a really meaningful experience, because it gave me and my music a chance to connect with the audience. 

If you work in any of the mentioned communities I would be glad to hear your inquire for our collaboration!

Call for concerts: Call for concerts
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